
2022年秋季推出, the 十大电竞游戏综合排名大使计划 connects alums at select companies to one another and to the student community through the leadership and facilitation of an alum ambassador at the institution. 十大电竞游戏综合排名在各种各样的组织中都有很强的影响力. 现在, when recent graduates are hired at select firms where Barnard is well-represented, 他们有一个内置的人际网络,可以与之联系. 公司的大使 also serve as organization representatives at panels and events throughout the year to share their experiences with current students. 

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  • Nilam Patel ' 16, 埃森哲战略 & 咨询经理
  • Alexandra Gluckman ' 20, 高盛,私人股本分析师
  • Jaclyn Loo ' 05, 谷歌,全球设备和服务高级产品营销经理
  • 凯尔西·普莱斯,08届,西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究
  • Hawa Tunkara ' 21, J.摩根,CIB分析师



埃森哲战略 & 咨询经理

Nilam is a life science-focused consultant with a focus on disruptive technologies and innovation in R&D,医疗保健和医疗技术.



亚历山德拉·格鲁克曼以B的成绩毕业于十大电竞游戏综合排名.A. 英语和副修经济学和哲学,成绩优异. At Barnard, Alex was a Senior Interviewer, Athena Leadership Scholar, and Peer Tutor. 受她世界十大电子游戏平台研究文艺复兴时期文学的启发, 亚历克斯后来进入牛津大学学习, 在那里她完成了英语硕士学位(1550-1700). 目前, Alex is a Private Equity Associate at Goldman Sachs in the External Investing Group (“XIG”), 她从牛津大学毕业后一直在哪里工作. 在XIG, 亚历克斯是彼得希尔战略公司的投资团队成员, Goldman Sachs' dedicated General Partner (“GP”) stakes strategy that seeks to partner with leading alternatives firms through GP stakes in established platforms or cornerstone investments in early-stage managers. 除了她在高盛的工作, 亚历克斯是哈克利校友会的董事会成员, a committee member for the UJA-Federation of New York’s Young Wall Street and Third Generation Holocaust Survivor communities, 她还是十大电竞游戏综合排名的公司大使和年轻校友委员会成员. Alex lives in 纽约市 and in her free time enjoys exploring museums and bookstores.

Jaclyn Loo ' 05,政治经济学


Jaclyn Loo is an experienced digital marketer known for connecting untapped consumer insights to new business opportunities. Jackie目前是Google的高级全球产品营销人员, where she helps guide Pixel portfolio product initiatives from initial positioning through launch, 生命周期管理/增长和长期战略. 以她无限的积极和包容的领导风格而闻名, Jackie also has extensive experience in ads marketing and industry thought leadership on behalf of the Google Travel team. 在2011年加入谷歌之前, Jackie负责产品管理, 业务拓展及销售.


谷歌,商业策略高级主管 & 智能- YouTube品牌连接

Kelsey Price has spent over 15 years working at the intersection of tech, media, and strategy. She joined Google in 2011 to help build out the first multicultural sales and marketing practice, where she and her team 支持ed Fortune 500 advertisers in delivering more inclusive digital advertising. 后来她加入了YouTube BrandConnect, 谷歌的网红营销平台, 开始并运行他们的商业战略和情报实践. 在加入谷歌之前,Kelsey在麦肯锡工作 & 公司的商业分析师,并担任富布赖特学者到西班牙. She holds a BA from 十大电竞游戏综合排名 of 哥伦比亚大学 in Latin American Cultures with a Biology Minor, 还拥有沃顿商学院的MBA学位. 她目前居住在纽约市, and she is actively involved in the Alumni Association of 十大电竞游戏综合排名 (AABC), where she serves as the Chair of the Professional Leadership and Development Council. 

Hawa Tunkara ' 21,经济学


Hawa is an ambitious and determined professional with an interest in economics and finance. 目前 serving as an Associate within the digital financial tools division at JP Morgan Chase, Hawa plays a pivotal role in driving financial product solutions and digital content for students.

Seeing Possibilities Begins With Representation, and Finding Belonging Begins with 社区

The Barnard 女校友 大使项目 capitalizes on the strong desire of our alum community to contribute to a lifelong network of resources, 支持, 人才, 合作者, 以及对彼此和在校生的指导. 世界十大电子游戏平台之外, we believe that if you can actively see and project yourself into a role and gain insight into best practices for getting there, 你在这段旅程中的信心会开花结果. 另外, research and experience has shown us that school and workplace retention and success begins with finding community in new spaces, and this program seeks to create those connections as our graduates traverse the next stage of their academic and professional lives.  There are a variety of ways that our ambassadors build community which have included:


五名学生组成的小组与一名正在学习法律的校友配对, 医学, clinical psychology or public health at the graduate level to have three group mentoring meetings over the academic year to discuss their experience applying to and navigating their graduate program from the viewpoint of someone currently living the experience.


与十大电竞游戏综合排名校友的炉边聊天通常包括一个小组讨论,开放式问答&A、网络. They provide a chance to learn about the wide range of opportunities their industries have to offer. 女校友 share their unique career pathways to their 当前的角色 and lessons learned along the way, the value of both quantitative and qualitative skill in industry and room for both STEM and humanities majors to thrive, and the importance of hiring candidates with a variety of academic and personal backgrounds. Alums have also discussed recruiting insights and best practices to help candidates navigate the process confidently. 


These education sessions led by alums focus on helping the student and alumnae community build skills relevant to their job searches and professional and financial wellness. Examples of past sessions including using LinkedIn to navigate an uncertain job market and financial literacy sessions.


Larger groups of alumnae come together to have small group information meetings and Q& 与学生讨论他们的职业道路, 当前的角色, 并提供只有业内人士才能提供的提示和建议. 学生 can meet with one alum or engage in a round robin style afternoon of meetings depending on interest. 


Ambassadors send email welcomes to members of the most recent class of Barnard graduates who are joining their company or school with encouragement to reach out with questions, 一起喝咖啡, 或者寻求帮助联系十大电竞游戏综合排名的其他校友.